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Writer: superstar-art-fundsuperstar-art-fund

我們定於9月1日晚八點舉辦電影“花開姐妹”綫上分享會,誠邀影評人,媒體記者,電影以及文學愛好者參加。 希望參加者在觀影后積極發表看法,並在針對以下問題進行討論:


  • 這部電影如何展示了女性在現代社會中處理這些情感關係的複雜性?

  • 如何看待角色在愛情中的自我犧牲?這種犧牲是必然的還是可以避免的?

  • 親情在電影中如何塑造角色的性格和行為?家庭的影響是正面的還是負面的?

  • 電影中的女性友情是否表現出超越愛情或親情的重要性?這種友情是否有助於角色的成長?


  • 故事與敘事結構

  • 視覺與攝影

  • 演員表演

  • 聲音與音樂

  • 導演與創意指導

  • 情感影響力

  • 社會文化影響

  • 個人感受



ID: 348 3698 693

Passcode: 777888


Jason 周先生


特別邀請超星學院電影課堂學員參加,並就以上問題書寫影評文章。可將影評文章發送至郵箱:, 我們將擇優刊登影評文章在超星雜志發表。

Online Film Critics Observation Meeting Invitation-Movie "Blooming Sisters"

We are scheduled to hold an online sharing session for the movie "Blooming Sisters" at 8 pm on September 1, and we sincerely invite film critics, media reporters, and film and literature lovers to participate. Participants are required to actively express their opinions after watching the movie and discuss the following issues:

Comprehensive thinking:

  • How does the film demonstrate the complexity of women navigating these emotional relationships in modern society?

  • How do you view the character’s self-sacrifice in love? Is this sacrifice inevitable or avoidable?

  • How does family affection shape the character's personality and behavior in the movie? Is the influence of family positive or negative?

  • Do female friendships in movies show an importance beyond love or family ties? Does this friendship help the characters grow?

  • Discussion of the literary and artistic nature of the film:

  • Story and Narrative Structure

  • Vision and Photography

  • Actors performing

  • Sound and music

  • Director and Creative Direction

  • emotional impact

  • Sociocultural impact

  • personal feelings

Time: Sunday, September 1, 8:00 PM, US-China time

Movie Participation link:

ID: 348 3698 693

Passcode: 777888

Seat Booking registration :

Mr. Jason Zhou


Students from the film Superstar Academy are specially invited to participate and submit a film review article on the above issues as their graduation thesis. Film review articles can be sent to:, we will select article to publish in Superstar Magazine.



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